Wednesday 13 February 2013

Caesar--its all in the name.

Just a quick post to share my vegan caesar salad dressing.  I got the recipe from my ex, the professional cook and memorized all of the ingredients. I have been making it for over 2 years now and don't/haven't ever used actual measurements.

Vegan Caesar Dressing

1/2 cup of cashews or any oily nut 
2 cups olive oil
1 cup lemon juice
1 clove of garlic
4 tbsp dijon mustard
2 tsp Frank's hot sauce
salt and pepper to taste

Put the cashews, 1 cup olive oil, garlic, lemon juice, hot sauce and mustard into a food processor and combine.
While the machine is on, slowly add the rest of your olive oil, emulsifying all of your ingredients so they are combined.
Add salt and pepper to taste.
All ingredients combined should form a creamy dressing that you can use on any type of greens.

NOTE: if you find your dressing tasting like garlic add more oil and lemon juice. Adjust the dressing to how you prefer it to taste. At my house we love garlic so much you'd think the vampire apocalypse is coming.


  1. This is great, Carly! Thanks for posting this recipe, now I can actually enjoy a caesar salad.

  2. Killin' it Carly! The ingredients for this dressing sound so tasty that I am willing to forego my usual penchant for anchovies in caesar dressing. Going to give this recipe a whirl in the near future. It sounds unbe-leaf-able! xoxo Gossip Girl
